Bose vs Sony - Which Noise-cancelling Headphones Are Better?

September 15, 2021


Do you find yourself working in a noisy environment? Getting distracted by the sound of cars honking, babies crying or people chatting? If yes, noise-cancelling headphones are the perfect solution for you. Not only do they cancel out noise, but you also get to enjoy your music in the peace and quiet you deserve.

In this article, we compare two of the biggest noise-cancelling headphone brands - Bose and Sony. We dive deep into both models and compare them based on features, battery life, noise-cancelling technology, and sound quality. Who will come out on top? Let's find out!


When it comes to features, both the Bose QuietComfort and Sony WH-1000XM4 have everything you need in a noise-cancelling headphone. Both models offer touch controls, voice assistants, and the ability to connect to multiple devices at once. However, the Sony model takes the lead with its ability to automatically pause music when you take the headphones off and resume playback when you put them back on.

Winner: Sony

Battery Life

Battery life is one of the most crucial factors to consider when buying wireless headphones. In this area, Sony edges ahead, offering up to 30 hours of battery life, compared to the Bose's 20 hours.

Winner: Sony

Noise-Cancelling Technology

Both headphones come equipped with advanced noise-cancelling technology that isolates you from your environment. However, according to several tests, Sony's noise-cancelling technology is slightly superior when it comes to blocking out mid and high-frequency sounds, whereas Bose is better at blocking out bass sounds.

Winner: Sony

Sound Quality

Lastly, the sound quality is where it all comes together. The Bose QuietComfort model remains a benchmark of audio excellence, offering a balanced soundstage, exceptional clarity, and deep bass. On the other hand, Sony's WH-1000XM4 has a more punchy, energetic sound, especially when it comes to its high tones.

Winner: It's a tie.


After analyzing both noise-cancelling headphone models, we have concluded that Sony edges ahead of Bose for functionality, battery life, and noise-cancelling technology. However, if you are an audiophile and prioritize sound quality, you cannot go wrong with the Bose QuietComfort model.

So, it's up to you to decide which model is better based on your preferences. We hope this comparison helped you make a better-informed buying decision.


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